Editorial brief- Proposal

My concept for this module is to produce a series of 10 images of electronic devices utilized in home-made studios an also in more advanced workshops of sound implementation. Throughout my series of photographs I am going to present the process of how a single sound can be recorded and what actions it goes through before it becomes a finished outcome ready for output.

In terms of visual aspects I am going to shoot on pure white background to avoid any unnecessery objects within the frame. I would like my images to create a neat piece of product photography. I will use an external flash to light the objects in certain ways. To gain an appropiate, soft light and to avoid any harsh shadows I will difuse the light using softbox or some sort of dffusor. 

To create a sense of visual cohesion and continuity all images are going to be linked together by cables going through from one image to another.

An example of three separate images linked together with a cable.

* As we were supposed to think about how the layout and how we are going to present our images within an article I thought I will display my work in a linear format to reflect the sense of gradual process taking place. Also I think that an idea of cables going through the whole series creates great visual link between images.

Nowadays digital technology and the knowledge contained in the internet allows us to work and produce things at home at almost the same level as professionals. Whether it is photography or music or any other activity there is a very thin line dividing professional approach from amateur effort. 

I believe that many people have their own homemade recording studios and many people would like to start building their first studio and those people are going to be the main target audience for my project. The series of ten images I'm going to produce is going to be something like a guide and good introduction to a very difficulat craft that is recording a sound.