These are my final eight photogrpahes of the equipment needed to record the sound. As the instrument I've chosen the guitar as I play and record the guitar mysefl so I can tell that I have a liitle bit of experience in this field. Also we can have more devices when recording this instrument (guitar amplifier, multi effect guitar pedals etc.) than during recording the vocals for example where all these preamplifier devices are not as necessary.
Milestone® 3 Black
The series will start from the instrument which is the output/ source of the raw sound.
Then the sound will travel through the cable to multi effect pre amplifier device which allows the player for initial adjustment of the sound and adding some effects like delays, reverb or distortion depending on the genre of music we play.
Marshall G15RThis is where the amplified sound is produced and recorded by microphone placed right at the front of the membrane.
This is a music interface which receives the signal from the microphone and sends it to the computer. Also it has an built in equalizer so we can make some initial adjustments and change the volume. Also one of the biggest advantages of this hardware is that we can connect and record few instruments at the time.
Once the sound is recorded we can then move to the stage of post-production which is very demanding craft. There are lot of principles and aspects concerning mixing the sound. Most sofwares have the basic tools like compressors and equalizers which allow the engineers to work on the particular freqences and compress the very loud sequences of the sound wave and increase the sequences where the sound is very low to deliver the even, quality of sound.
The amplifier adds an power to the speakers so we can have a good reproduction of sound at the high volume to see how our track sounds and wether the bass frequences does not cause any harm to the speakers.
Q Acoustics
Good speakers should deliver a good quality sound to make the music engineer to work on the particular part of the frequencies range from low (bass) up to high frequencies (drum hi hat or squeaky guitar solos)
Headphones are great to get a good reference of how our track will sound at the consumers level as nowadays a lot of people listen their music on mp3 players etc. Also headphones are great when it comes to work on directionality of individual instruments (stereo) which can cerate an amazing spatality within the track.